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The Glorious Golden Apricot!

The Glorious Golden Apricot!

Did you know that dried Apricots are highly nutritious? Some benefits include improved night vision and age-related eye health by providing a healthy dose of carotenoids and beta carotene. Beta carotene also double teams on protecting heart health and LDL cholesterol from oxidation which may help prevent clogging of the arteries.  Apricots aid healthy digestion by being high in soluble fiber and contain super-powered antioxidants fighting free radicals and improving overall organ health with vitamins A, C & E.

Apricots originate from central Asia and are a member of the rose family. Have you smelled an apricot lately? Close your eyes and take a whiff. Mmmm that lush sweet scent will brighten your day. When eating apricots not only will you enjoy all of the flavors and health benefits, but before biting into your velvety golden snack, take a deep breath and you will also receive the calming aromatherapy stress relieving benefits of this super fruit. 

Dried apricots are low in calories, higher in most nutrients than fresh apricots, and are fat-free, so enjoy guilt-free knowing you are doing your body oh-so-good.  Enjoy 5-6 dried apricots daily and you will receive four times the fiber of a whole fresh apricot. Fiber helps lower cholesterol and also lowers your risk of heart disease, improved digestion, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. Dried apricots also have potassium, iron, and calcium. 

Pack a mini-box from Brie & Bamboo that includes golden dried apricots for your mid-morning or pre-workout snack and enjoy all of the benefits of this tasty and powerful little fruit.

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